MOOC on Social Polarization – First Videos Recorded!
Our team at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu, has just recorded the first materials for a new online course! The course will cover topics such ...
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Team meeting in Berlin
Before the Christmas break, the ActIPLEx team held another in-person meeting! During our visit to Berlin, we focused mainly on the concept of the game-based workshops that will be created ...
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EARLI SIG 20 & 26 Conference 2024
The EARLI SIG 20 & 26 Conference 2024 in Berlin was yet another opportunity to present the ActiPlex project. This year's conference, titled "Digital, Analogue, and Hybrid Learning Spaces: Rethinking ...
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ENLIGHT Conference at the University of Tartu
Members of our team participated in the ENLIGHT European University Teaching and Learning Conference, which this time took place at the University of Tartu. The presentation by Anna Beitane (University ...
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The 19th Annual Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2024)
ActIPLEx team members, Wander Jager and Shaoni Wang, presented their talk "Gaming Polarization: Using Agent-Based Simulation as a Dialogue Tool" at the international conference The 19th Annual Social Simulation Conference ...
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ActIPLEx has launched!
In April, the ActIPLEx team—Action for Interactive Anti-Polarisation Learning Experiences for a Better Democracy—held its first meeting! Team members from all partner universities gathered in Warsaw for the official Kick-Off ...
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